Economic Justice & the $15 an Hour Minimum Wage

We need a new Toronto.

A more just and inclusive Toronto. A Toronto that leaves no resident behind. To do this we need the fight for economic justice to be front-and-centre and as a City Councillor I will fight to make higher wages a part of the business standards expected of retailers and businesses who wish to operate in the city, will actively fight for higher wages and benefits for all people and for stopping wage cuts for city workers or workers under contract to the city. Our city does not benefit by pushing the wages of any workers down.

Instead we will fight together to raise the wages of all.

I will actively advocate as a Councillor for a $15 an hour minimum wage in the city and province.

Is a $15 an hour minimum wage even possible in Toronto? In this article I show how it is!:

Further links about the Minimum Wage, Living Wages & Economic Justice:

A small business case for the $15 an hour minimum wage:

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